Saturday, March 27, 2010

The best laid plans...

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."

That basically sums up the last three days of last week for me. Due to some unforeseen circumstances my great plans for attaining my goals went awry. I suppose that is to be expected considering I am not in charge of anything anyway.

There were some unexpected things at work that prevented me from working out and that caused me to put on a lot of miles in the car. Seat time is not good for weight loss or muscle building. We also ended up taking care of some nieces and nephews, a task not on the agenda either. Couple that with agravating a hamstring I pulled last week and the plan pretty much fell apart. All that amounts to a total net weight loss of 6.4lbs. I had been at 10lbs on Thursday. I just need to adjust my diet to make up for the changes when these thing happen.

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