Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Goals are important and I preach that to others but I am terrible about setting my own. It isn't actually in the setting of goals as much as in the planning. Weight loss in a big one for me. I have a goal in mind but haven't sat down to plan how to attain the goal. So hear goes.

My goal weight is 230lb.
My goal schedule is August 1.
Time to goal weight is 4 months
Total Weight loss goal is 50lb
Avg weight loss goals are 12.5lb per month
or 3.13lb per week.

Follow the skinny for life rules

Stick to training diet - 3g creatine in gatorade pre training, 1 scoop whey pre training, 3g creatine post, 2 g whey post, 1 scope whey late AM, 1 scoop whey mid pm, 1 scoop whey in milk PM.

Dial up the intensity - Early warm up, intense heavy lifts, cardio b/n sets, 3 days of HIIT, 2 days steady state cardio.

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