I am once again a little behind on things. At least we all can use Christmas and new years as an excuse. I have been pondering the best way to improve my posting consistency. It seem the best answer is to try and commit to posting every weekend. That way there isn't pressure to post during a busy week and I seem to find more free moments over the weekend. That's the goal, once a week on the weekend.
Yesterday ended the fourth week of my first 5/3/1 training cycle. Tomorrow morning begins week one of the second training cycle. You can check this link for more info on 5/3/1. This workout has worked perfectly for me. It can be done in 45 minutes or less, focuses on the four major compound lifts, is scheduled four days a week, and can be done with basic free weights.
In addition to the 5/3/1 is HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training (which just got added this week). This goes well beyond the average cardio into strength, explosive power, and cardio. It seems to be my preference because of the shorter duration and the variation. This one should really prove it's effects in the coming weeks.
So far progress is good. week four finished much stronger than expected. Looks like my 1RM will have to be bumped up at least 10% on squat and dead lift. That is exciting for me. Shoulder press and bench press are lagging a little due to a rotator cuff strain that threw them off for a few weeks, but the shoulder is rehabbing well and the goal is to push ahead as planned.
The new meal plan is starting to work too. The basics of the diet are: 2800 calories, 370g carbs, and 220g protein. It is for fat loss and muscle growth so I'm not seeing my actual weight decrease very rapidly, but strength increases are very noticeable and body composition is changing ever so slowly. Things should really take off once the routine has set in.
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