Yes, That is a picture of my tibia. Most importantly the tibial plateau. a little over three weeks ago, on November 15 I fractured my tibia while playing volleyball. It was quite a freak accident, as those things go. At any rate you can see my new hardware - a steel plate, one pin, and six screws. This has been quite an ordeal as you can imagine. The prognosis is two more weeks locked straight except for exercises a couple times a day. On December 21 I will see the surgeon again and also have x-rays to see how the bone is healing. If things are going well I will be able to bend it regularly, drive, and stand with slight weight on my right leg. As of the 21st it could be another 3-4 weeks before I am cleared to do any walking or true weight bearing on the bone.
I am following the docs orders to the letter because I want to come back 100%, plus another 5-10% in extra parts. It has seemed like a very long time, but when I think about it it has gone by rather quickly. I try not to think about the next six week because that can seem like an eternity. We are just taking it one day at a time.
I am learning a lot about patience and trusting God. It is difficult to stay connected to work when you have been off for a couple weeks and out of commission to boot. God is teaching me how to trust in him and not worry about the job, or even life in general. Its just that its easy to fall into control mode and worry that you are unable to control your circumstances. That is a fact anyway, we don't control our circumstances. God is sovereign over all things even when we think we have been following our plan.
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