Saturday, January 29, 2011

Weight Loss

I know this sounds strange, but since I broke my leg I have lost about 20lbs. I didn't plan to pursue weight loss while I was injured until I realized that I started losing. I haven't been eating particularly healthy. I guess just the stress on the body, the healing process, and the workout on the crutches made the difference. Now 20lbs ig good but when you're a 290+, 20lbs is barely a start.

I am close to getting back on my feet. Started using one crutch last week. I have my final Dr appointment on Wednesday. This is for xrays and the final OK from the doc. I will also find out about therapy.

As I get closer to the end of the recovery process I have been getting more mobile. This mobility has meant that I am putting in the long days at work and catching a short lunch break via some fast food drive thru - Not Cool!! That habit absolutely has to stop! In the last week and a half I have regained 4lbs. My weight loss could be 25-30lbs if I hadn't failed at lunch most days.

This weekend I bought a bunch of stuff to take for lunch. I am getting back on the 6-8 meals a day weight training diet. I am not weight training again yet so the portions are smaller, but the idea is the same - maintain a high metabolic rate and keep the furnace burning. I will know how it works this week as I get into the swing of things.

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